Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Pregnant? Choose Your Adoptive Family

Pregnant. Alone. Scared. Broke. It's a shame that pregnancy is not always a joyous occasion. Some of us (like me) have been blessed with fertility while others have not. If you find yourself pregnant and are not able to support that child, consider adoption. Abortion is not the only alternative.

There are centers all around the country that will pay for your medical bills and living expenses while you are pregnant. In fact, there's one out of Arizona that will fly you out to their beautiful facility for the last half of your pregnancy and take care of you until you deliver. They also offer parenting classes and career direction in case you decide to keep the baby. Or, they will show you families who are looking for babies to adopt.

The good news about adoptions today is that most of them are either open or semi-open which means there are varying degrees to which you can have involvement in your child's life. Or, if you prefer, you can have a closed adoption and have no further contact with the child. For some people, it is best to cut off all contact since the whole event is just too painful. Either way, the choice is yours.

Now I mentioned that YOU are in the driver's seat when it comes to choosing the family who will raise your child. Click on this link and see real families who are looking for children to love. When you get to the site, click on the pictures and real their letters. I especially like this family. They have been married for awhile, the mom stays at home, both parents are educated, and they live in a nice community. Regardless of who you choose, the point is the ball is in YOUR court. Your baby is counting on you to make it a good one.